Cam and Roben Green Bepic Elev8 all natural ingredients, energy, mood, nootropics

Want to have a better sleep,
all-day natural energy,
and get your guts working for you, not against you?


“The Doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs,
but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition” -Thomas Edison

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results will vary. Best if taken as part of an overall healthy lifestyle. As with many health supplements, consistent use is key to maximizing the benefits

How to increase your health in 60 seconds a day 

Without doing a single exercise (exercise will boost results).

How to Naturally increase your
energy and focus starting first thing in the morning and have it last all day long without crashing.
You will also get 4 1/2 servings of fruits and veggies every day

Say goodbye to sleepless nights… 
Get the deep REM sleep your body needs every night and wake up feeling refreshed and ready for your day.
This has nothing to do with sleeping pills. It’s all Natural!

ACCELER8 Restore
Our gut is now being considered our second brain, this one step will not only get your two brains working together with a healthier gut but you will also have your body cleaning out fat cells while you sleep.

Who We Are and How We Got Here!

Cam and Roben Green BEpic products, Elev8, Acceler8, Hydr8, Regener8, Allevi8, Rejuven8, all natural health supplements

We are proud parents of two grown boys, we have been together for nearly 22 years, we are entering the empty nest phase of our life and we planned on traveling the world and then…

In January 2020, Cam was diagnosed with cancer, which change the direction we were headed, he lost his job, we lost our house, and the chemo really messed up his body.

In June 2020, he had one more chemo treatment left and Roben was on the hunt for some natural supplements to help build his immune system back up, when a friend introduced us to B-Epic’s 3 Vitamin combo Elev8 and Acceler8, which after just a couple days, we both started to feel amazing results.

Because we choose to focus on solutions instead of problems, we knew right away the direction we were heading was going to change once again, this time we were excited for it.

Not only did we have vitamins that were taking care of us from the inside out, top to bottom, but we also had a way of making extra money which we desperately needed.

The truth is, we created this site because of the results we both felt, the fact that B-Epic is a network marketing company and we are earning extra income and the best part, it is helping hundreds of thousands of people like you look at their health from a new perspective.

Read more about us here

You Will never change your life, until you change what you do daily

It’s not the things we do once in awhile that make a difference in our life, it is the things we do daily. Your habits TODAY will determine where you will be 60 days, 90 days, a year from now. So if you are not where you want to be with your health, today is the best day to start!

Remember your lifestyle is what got you to where you are at today, if you want to improve it, your going to have to make some changes, agreed! 

Roben and I have always been passionate about helping people live a Happier, Healthier lifestyle.
What we have learned is that it is not just about the food that we eat or the workouts we do…
It’s about the thoughts that we think,
The words that we speak,
And the Story we tell ourselves each day about why we can or can not do something!

change Happens in a Moment...
the moment you make the decision to change

The Secret To Your Success

What is the secret to success?    Making right decisions!

How do you make right decisions?   Experience!

How do you gain experience?   By making wrong decisions!

Our Free guide is the perfect start to creating the healthy habits you need everyday.

Start Your Epic Lifestyle Today

The “Epic Leader Pack” B-Epic Elev8 and Acceler8 is going to help you speed up the process healing your body and avoid making too many wrong decisions on your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Taking Your Health To The Next Level,
Really Is As Easy As One, Two, Three

Energy, Stamina and Focus.
Also Helps Improve Mood and Alleviate Stress

ACCELER8 Restore
Lose Weight While You Sleep and
Naturally Cleanse and Detoxify Your Body and Guts with Pro and Pre-biotics

Naturally Promotes Relaxation so You Can Fall Asleep Faster, Sleep More Soundly and Wake Up Feeling Fresh

What Others Have To Say...

"After going through chemo therapy my whole body was a mess,
within 2 days of taking these vitamins, I had energy to burn all day,
nausea was completely gone, and the feeling of hope was growing"
Cam Green

"No Longer Taking Sleeping Pills...
and Off Anti-depressants"

"Down 4.5lbs and
11.25 inches in One Month"

"I Feel Like A 10 Year Old Kid with Energy To Burn"

BEpic Elev8 and Acceler8 Epic Customer Pack Natural Vitamins Testimonial
BEpic Elev8 and Acceler8 Epic Customer Pack Natural Vitamins
BEpic Elev8 and Acceler8 Epic Customer Pack Natural Vitamins Testimonial

For more information about Elev8 and Acceler8 Sleep and Restore,
including ingredients lists check out our “blog post” <–click here

Try These Amazing Supplements For Yourself Today

When you click the button below you will be taken to our B-Epic secure checkout page, simply follow the prompts to set up your account, select the products you want and you are all set, the products will be delivered right to your mailing address, easy peasy!

Fuel Your Body The Way Mother Nature Intended... Naturally!